They made the Ultimate Sacrifice


Donald Bertrand McNeil


Acting Chief Engine Room Artificer, V22838, RCNVR


Warrant Engineer, O-50584, RCNVR


Born: 16 Oct 1916, Edmonton, Alberta


Died: 24 Nov 1944 at sea


Book of Remembrance


MCNEIL, Donald Bertrand, Wt (E), O-50584, RCNVR, MPK - 24 Nov 1944, HMCS SHAWINIGAN - Son of William Bertrand and Pearl McNeil, of Edmonton, Alberta.


Warrant (E) McNeil died when HMCS SHAWINIGAN was sunk by U-1228 on 24 Nov 1944. Of her crew of 91, there were no survivors.


A memorial service for two sons of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. McNeil, 10335 81 Street, who have lost their lives in the war, was held recently at the Forest Heights United church. The minister, Rev. D, Carr, conducted the service. The sons were Warrant Engineer D. B. "Don" McNeil, R.C.N.V.R. and Flt. Sgt. R. W. "Bob" McNeil, R.C.A.F. Warrant Engineer McNeil lost his life with all members of the crew of H.M.C.S. Shawinigan in November 1944. Born in Edmonton he was employed by the Negus Mining Company at Yellowknife, N.W.T., before enlisting in Toronto in January, 1941. He went to sea in May, 1941. Flt. Sgt. McNeil was killed on an air operation with the 78 (R.A.F.) Squadron. He was on this way to bomb Germany and is buried with his crew in France. Before enlisting with the R.C.A.F. in August, 1943, he was employed with a mining company in Yellowknife. He went overseas in June, 1944. Flt. Sgt. McNeil was born in Edmonton. Petty Officer S. "Tom" McNeil, R.C.N.V.R. a third brother who has been home on leave to attend the memorial service for his brothers. He joined the navy in Edmonton in April, 1944, trained at Cornwallis and Halifax and went to sea in September, 1944. He worked freighting mining supplies companies at Yellowknife for many years. He has returned to Halifax to report for duty. All three of the McNeil boys were educated at schools in Tofield and Coronado. (The Edmonton Journal 15 Jan 1945)


Ships served in:

TORONTO DIVISION RCNVR - Enlisted 20 Jan 1941.  Commenced Active Service 23 Jan 1941 as a Stoke 1st Class, RCNVR

* Rated Motor Mechanic 24 Jan 1941

HMCS NADEN - Drafted to NADEN 24 Jan 1941

* Rated Acting Engine Room Artificer, RCNVR 08 Aug 1941

* Rated Engine Room Artificer, RCNVR 16 Sep 1941

HMCS GIVENCHY - Drafted to GIVENCHY 06 Oct 1941

HMCS UNGAVA - Drafted to UNGAVA 06 Oct 1941

HMCS STADACONA - Drafted to STADACONA 04 May 1942

HMCS FORT RAMSAY - Drafted to FORT RAMSAY 09 May 1942

* Rated ERA 3c, RCNVR 08 Aug 1943

* Landed to Military Hospital Gaspe 28 Aug 1942 - 18 Sep 1942

HMCS STADACONA - Drafted to STADACONA 13 Sep 1943

HMCS MULGRAVE - Drafted to MULGRAVE 26 Oct 1943

HMCS STADACONA - Drafted to STADACONA 18 Feb 1944

HMCS NANAIMO - Drafted to NANAIMO 14 Mar 1944

* Rated Acting Chief Engineer Room Artificer, RCNVR 01 Dec 1943 (Back dated)

HMCS STADACONA - Drafted to STADACONA 01 Aug 1944

* Discharged - Promoted to Warrant Rank 14 Apr 1944 (per appointment 01 Dec 1944)

* Appointed Acing Warrant Engineer, RCNVR

HMCS NANAIMO - Appointed to NANAIMO 15 Apr 1944

HMCS STADACONA - Appointed to STADACONA 01 Aug 1944, Add'l

HMCS STADACONA - Appointed to STADACONA 07 Aug 1944, Add'l for leave

HMCS STADACONA - Appointed to STADACONA 31 Aug 1944, Add'l for disposal

HMCS SHAWINIGAN - Appointed to SHAWINIGAN 01 Sep 1944, in charge of machinery


Documents from the Service File of Donald McNeil



Second World War Casualty Index