Sports and the RCN



The Shearwater Flyers - 1957 Canadian Intermediate Football Champions


Front row (left to right): Ldg. Sea. Reg. Taylor, AB Bruce Thomas, Ldg. Sea. Ron McLean, Ldg. Sea. Don Lilley, Ldg. Sea. .Doug Grant, PO Bruce Walker, Ldg. Sea. Alf Caulier, AB Ken Whitney and AB Gabe Desroacher.


Second row: Ldg. Sea. Sam Brushett, AB Ron Parker, PO Danny McCowell, Ldg. Sea. Alf Nicholson, PO Bob Hayes, Ld`g. Sea. Les Keyes, Ldg. Sea. John Smith, AB Roy Carrier and Ldg. Sea. Bill Key


Third row: PO Bill Reynard, Ldg. Sea. L. M. Smith, Ldg. Sea. 1. Axford, AB Pete McGregor, Ldg. Sea. Ed Reiger, AB Charles Cox, AB Paul Gowan, PO Andy Swan, AB Verne MacDonald, PO Tom Graham and Ldg. Sea. John Salmond.


Fourth row: AB Les Elworthy, AB Jack Beck, PO Joe Carver, Ldg. Sea. George Mayne, AB Bill Harper, AB Dale Klassen, Ldg. Sea. Robert Findley, Ldg. Sea. Gord McLeod, AB Jim McCombie and Ldg. Sea. Pete Davidson.


RCN photo negative # DNS-19358


Source: The Crowsnest Magazine Nov 1957



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